Nous tenons à remercier les auteurs et les artistes nous ayant permis d'illustrer ce site. Voici la liste exhaustive des ressources utilisées :
- Font Awesome Free 5.13.0 by @fontawesome -
Page Accueil
- Ecology by popcornarts from the Noun Project
- Newton by Gan Khoon Lay from the Noun Project
- Mask by Sewon Park from the Noun Project
- Page Animations
- Page Restauration
Page Tarifs
- Projector by Chanut is Industries from the Noun Project
- Coffee cup by Arne Mahn from the Noun Project
- Cookies by Nikita Kozin from the Noun Project
- Pen holder by Anwer Hossain from the Noun Project
- Phone Charger by Ben Davis from the Noun Project
- Drill by Natalia Błaszczyk from the Noun Project
- Wheelchair by Jens Tärning from the Noun Project
- Parking lot by Yeong Rong Kim from the Noun Project